
Nature's Alarm Clock, aka the morning summoner

There is a rooster that informs me that a new day is here.

He cock-a-doodle-doo's much to the changrin of the sleepy neighborhood block.

As soon as I hear he shrill cry, I realize the day is new.  There is a moment here.

When I was "swamping" on the Grand Canyon, i.e. helping the river rafting guides rig and de-rig the boats, make meals, take care of guests, and row, the team involved in making the morning breakfast always got up the earliest.  We were the quiet ninjas boiling the water for coffee, and when the hot beverage was ready, I blew the conch shell, informing the guests and the rest of the crew that coffee was served.  This reminds me of the rooster, and although he doesn't serve me coffee, his song informs that a new day of possibilities are ahead of me, I just need to get out of bed.

Welcome to a new day, take it, it's yours.  Listen for the seemingly annoying sounds that get your attention and put a momentum behind you :)

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the feeling helpers
